Check Out Our Media
Check out our professionally-curated video and our Instagram feed to learn more about this fabulous boat and the exciting adventures you could be having on board the Kittiwake.
Meet Our Crew

You will have a fantastic experience with Captain Tristan and First Mate/Chef Ceilidh (pronounced Cay-lee). Our catamaran crew members are experienced, friendly, and ready to ensure that you have a fabulous crewed charter yacht vacation. The captain and chef bring a high level of service and attention to the finer details, which will certainly make any charter with them an adventure of a lifetime!
Guest Review:
“My husband and I, along with two friends, decided to charter Kittiwake and sail the Exumas. I can say without reservation it was one of the most enjoyable and restorative vacations we’ve ever taken. The new boat was ultra-comfortable and spacious, with plenty of places to curl up and read or watch the mind-blowing scenery unfold. And Kittiwake’s many amenities provided a luxurious touch. Most importantly, though, was the crew. From the moment we came onboard, the Captain and Chef took care of us in every respect. Their professionalism and commitment to our enjoyment never ceased to impress us.
There’s so much more I could say about this trip. Five out of five stars. It would be impossible to place a value on how much we loved it. We’ll be back.” ~ Dave L. and Stuart M.
We're Glad You'll Be Sailing on Our Boat
Meet the Owners
Kittiwake’s owners are Mark Cohen and Leigh Scott, a married couple who live in northern Virginia. Mark is the board chair of Creative Planning Trust Company. He’s also an instrument-rated pilot. When he’s not in the office, Mark enjoys flying his Cirrus airplane, woodworking, photography, and all kinds of outdoor sports. Leigh is a vegan chef. When she’s not in the kitchen, Leigh enjoys gardening, photography, and all kinds of outdoor sports. Leigh also serves as the Executive Director of a philanthropic nonprofit called the Healthier, Greener, Kinder Foundation.

Bookings for Kittiwake are handled by your friendly yacht broker or by the agents at Yacht Collective. Yacht Collective is a luxury yacht charter company specializing in crewed charters throughout the Virgin Islands, Caribbean, Bahamas, and beyond.
When you’re ready to discuss a booking on Kittiwake, please contact us and we’ll put you in touch with our booking agent at the Yacht Collective.